EFFECTIVE AND DURABLE Sharpening is tough, durable and healthy. Simple mode of operation, but synonymous with traditional acupuncture effects tHat correspond to the strong point pressure used by massage therapists.
SAFE TO USE The technique of cupping glass is safe and credible, no infection and pain when treating diseases. Environmental protection material silicone, no undesirable stimulation of the skin.
MAIN FUNCTION Through silicone cupping, blood circulation can be improved, the metabolism promoted and the immune system improved. Detoxifies metabolic residues in muscle tissue, fascia and skin.
SIMPLE OPERATION The silicone cup is easy to use, can be filled anytime and anywhere, and is easy to clean. Powerful functions, can be used on any part of the body.
APPLY ON The silicone cup can be used on all parts of the body to reduce fatigue and improve your physical wellbeing. You can use it anywhere in the office, at home or in the hotel.